Free Online Programs
Free Online Programs
Khan Academy- Offers academic lessons on math, science, grammar, history and more. Will be live-streaming lessons at noon on weekdays, on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.
Scholastic Learn At Home- Arranged by grade level, Scholastic is offering a week's worth of activities at a time, breaking them up into daily lessons.
Quizlet- Vocabulary flashcard activities
Ted Ed Talks- Includes videos on a variety of topics, along with short quizzes and suggestions for further discussion. Filters are available to choose particular subjects.
O/N Boces Collection- Includes many useful resources in all content areas for teachers, students, and parents.
Infobase High School Collection: Infobase has created a variety of distance learning packages to help schools and institutions affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Each curated distance learning package offers trial access to the top Infobase online resources for remote learning for either elementary schools, middle and high schools, colleges and universities, or public libraries.