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Mr. Sherman- Bird Day Resources

Bird Day Research Project



Mr. Sherman; AP Biology 

 Helpful Databases:

 Database passwords can be found on the print handout in the MHS Library

 Brockport Research Guide 

MHS Library Collection

World Book Online ~Password on sheet

Kids InfoBits ~ Use Gale Infotrac password

Research In Context ~ Use Gale Infotrac password

Britannica School~ no password needed

Gale Virtual Reference Library ~ Use Gale Infotrac password

  Cite Your Sources- 



 Database & printing tips to keep in mind:

    • Make sure to get the citation information from your article, image, sound, etc. for your works cited sheet
    • Take a look at the related links and websites that come along with the article for more information on your bird
    • Remember if printing in library, to change to "auto" for color images (under preferences/properties) and remove double-sided printing!
    • When printing articles/images make sure to use the database print icons on the screen to ensure it prints correctly – do not use the file-print option. Make sure the printer is set to HS-library-3055, auto-color, take off double-sided printing!