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Mr. Bensley AP History- DBQ Project

Primary Source Resources
U.S. History In Context Requires a password (at home only)- obtain in library!

Provides a complete overview of our nation’s past that covers the most-studied events, decades, conflicts, wars, political and cultural movements, and people.

World Book Online

Requires a password- obtain in library!

Powerful reference tool that includes encyclopedia, multimedia, e-book, and primary source databases, fully integrated in a single search.

Brittanica Online

May use to find documents, images, maps, charts. 

O/N BOCES SLS Look here for various websites with primary documents.

Library of Congress- American History

These pages link to selected collection content available online at the Library of Congress, arranged by broad categories.
American Memory Timeline Primary sources for seven time periods of United States history are provided at this site covering 1783-1968. Each period is subdivided into various topics and contains an overview. Included are images, letters, lyrics, interviews, and more.
AMDOCS: Documents for the Study of American History A directory of primary documents available on the Web. Browse by time period, beginning with 1492 and continuing into current times. Includes inaugural addresses, diary extracts, treaties, letters, speeches, and more.
Documenting the American South Over 1,200 primary sources documenting the cultural history of the American South from the viewpoint of Southerners. 
Our Documents Readings, sponsored competitions, and educational materials focused around "100 milestone documents, compiled by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), and drawn primarily from its nationwide holdings. The documents chronicle United States history from 1776 to 1965."
American Originals "A selection of some of the most significant and compelling documents from the National Archives holdings." Presents the full text of the Louisiana Purchase agreements, a police report on the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, the 1868 treaty with the Sioux Indians, reportage of the collision of the Titanic with an iceberg, President Franklin Roosevelt's declaration of war against Japan, President Nixon's letter of resignation, and several other documents.
Archiving Early America Primary source material from eighteenth century America. It includes the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798, Louisiana Purchase Treaty, Whiskey Rebellion, and more. Firsts has information about the first penny, copyright law, newspaper, political cartoon, and others. The Digital Library contains portraits, places, events, early scenes, battles, maps, early-day ads, and more. Also includes Early America Review , an online journal, and The Town Crier , a discussion forum.
Digital History The materials on this Web site include a U.S. history textbook; over 400 annotated documents from the Gilder Lehrman Collection, courtesy of The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History, supplemented by primary sources on slavery, Mexican American, Asian American, and Native American history, and U.S. political, social, and legal history; succinct essays on the history of film,ethnicity, private life, and technology; multimedia exhibitions; and reference resources that include a database of annotated links, classroom handouts, chronologies, glossaries, an audio archive including speeches and book talks by historians, and a visual archive with hundreds of historical maps and images.
Pictorial Americana History through 1899.


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