Remote Learning Resources
Remote Learning Resources
As we have all noticed, each day vendors are offering more and more free resources to assist us with our distance learning needs. Although thankful for the outpouring of support from these companies; Personally, I have found it difficult to navigate through the mountain of content! Therefore, I am in the process of curating a list of resources that I feel would be most useful for students in grades 8-12. This will be added to on a weekly basis, feel free to use as needed!
If you need assistance with any of these resources, please email Mrs. O'Toole... Stay safe and healthy!
Please click here to access the Medina School Library Page. On this page you will find many helpful resources to assist with your class assignments during the closure such as:
Databases: Use the MHS databases to assist with research needs. There are helpful articles, images, websites, etc. contained within these resources. Join the Google Classroom to access the database passwords. Code: sroaltu
Library Projects: View all library projects and the suggested resources, templates, directions for each here.
Citation Help: Use these guides to help when citing sources or for formatting your paper. At the bottom of this page you will find a link to NoodleTools citation generator. Use your Google credentials to login.
Book Resources: Many fiction on non-fiction titles that are currently available for free online.
Lee Whedon Public Library Resources- Use your public library card to borrow materials from their digital collections- Hoopla, Libby for Overdrive, Kindle books, and more!
Free Online Learning Programs: Use these sites to assist in reinforcing the skills you have learned.
Science and Social Studies Resources: Helpful site to reinforce science and social studies skills.
Educational Videos: Videos on numerous topics.
Fun and Educational Sites: Cool sites to check out in your free time!
No Internet? No Problem: Printable worksheets and lessons for home.